24/7 health advice: Health811 or call 8-1-1 | 24/7 caregiver support: Ontario Caregiver Organization or call 1-833-416-2273
If you're experiencing an emergency, call 911.
Every journey is unique.
The services you need may change over time. There are people at each service to help navigate you to the best first or next step in your journey.
Select each graphic to explore local care options.
Mobile care
Community Wellness Bus:
View the schedule
Downtown Ambassadors:
HIV & AIDS Resource Program: 705-759-5690
Primary care provider or walk-in clinic*
*If you have access and are in a non-crisis situation
Hospital-based in-and-out patient mental health and addictions services
Shelter and social support
Pauline's Place: 705-759-4663
Community Resource Centre: 705-450-0082
Men's Shelter: 705-450-0011
Residential withdrawal management and safebeds
Harm reductions supplies available here.
Additional services
I am looking for local mental health services for youth under 18 years old and their families.
Algoma Family Services: 705-945-5050 | algomafamilyservices.ca/our-services
I am a kid/teen/young adult and I need crisis support.
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 / or text ‘connect’ to 686868 / or visit kidshelpphone.ca
I am under 17 years old and looking to connect with a therapist.
One Stop Talk: 1-855-416-8255 | onestoptalk.ca
I am looking for an unoffical guide to parenting a young person with a substance use disorder.
Parents Like Us: https://sah.on.ca/programs-services/mental-health-addictions/parents-like-us/
I am a youth aged 12-25 looking for local medical and/or mental health and addiction support.
Youth Wellness Hub: 705-945-5051 | Youth Wellness Hub: Algoma Region Website
Discover more mental health, addictions, and gambling services by calling 1-866-531-2600, texting "CONNEX" to 247247, or visiting ConnexOntario.
Connex provides 24/7 free and confidential health services information and navigation for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness, or gambling by connecting you with services in your area*.
*Services funded by the Government of Ontario.
Share feedback
This roadmap was created to navigate and streamline access to mental health and addictions care needed in our community, wherever you are in your journey. If you have used the roadmap in any format, we would love to hear from you. Your feedback will help us evaluate its reach and functionality.